Ok,To the Point !!
01. How fast exit Windows.
Right-click on the Desktop -> New -> Shortcut. Enter:
C: \ Windows \ rundll.exe user.exe, exitwindowsexec
When someone double-click on the desktop, then
Windows will automatically close all the applications that are
run without further process that takes time
Older as in the Start or Shutdown.
02. How quickly restart Windows
Sometimes in a program, Windows must restart after
install and uninstall process and the process requires booting
a relatively long time (depending on the type of processor and the number of
memory, which is owned).
A quick way to restart Windows is a shortcut
such as the tricks # 01. And the link in the command box filled:
C: \ Windows \ rundll.exe user.exe, exitwindows
03. Disable Shutdown on the Start Menu.
Run regedit. Start -> Run -> regedit. Browse
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \
Policies \ Explorer
If not found Explorer, can be made with the new entry
how right-clicking New -> Key. Right-click again to select
New -> DWORD Value and then rename or become NoCloseKey
NoClose with the data value is 1.
XXX: 1 to 0 to enable and non-active (default)
04. Hide drives in the Explorer Window
Using regedit tricks such as the # 03, but the entry
must be added is NoDrives (DWORD Value) with
value of data is 3FFFFFF. To show again, delete
NoDrives entry.
05. Playing with WinLogon
Using regedit and mebuat entry in the new Dword
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \
CurrentVersion \ Winlogon
Add entry
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06. Mendisable SaveSetting
Create a new DWORD entry in the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \
CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
NoSaveSetting content with the data and the value is 1.
By-pass Windows Login
When the Windows Start-up, press F8 before the startup logo
Windows appears, select the Command Prompt Only. Move to
directory C: \ Windows and delete the files that ekstention. PWL.
C: \ Windows> attrib *. PWL
C: \ Windows> del *. PWL
This tricks can use in cafe the locked! Key?
Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008
Tricks - Windows
Label: Hacking Stuff
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